The Economic Impact of Casinos


As with any business, casinos are in the business of making money. That is why they offer incentives to their high rollers, such as free hotel rooms, free meals, free drinks, and free casino chips. These incentives are designed to keep them coming back, and they are often accompanied by lavish personal attention. These incentives can even be worth thousands of dollars.

In casino design, the layout is one of the most important factors. This is because a pleasing environment is more likely to attract players. Many casinos use bright lights, sounds of slot machines, and other design features to stimulate the senses. It is a proven fact that people want to be surrounded by stimulation. For example, one study from 2006 found that a casino’s design increased slot play by 46%.

Casinos also employ surveillance technologies to monitor casino patrons and employees. These systems help prevent fraud, such as the counterfeiting of casino chips, card counting, and using stolen credit cards. Dealers and pit bosses also keep an eye on the games and tables to make sure that no one is betting on something that doesn’t belong to them.

Casinos can also boost local employment. Because many casino jobs require a certain level of skill, local unemployment rates may drop after the introduction of a casino. However, it’s important to remember that the local unemployment rate should be compared with statewide rates to determine whether the casino is really helping the local economy. Local employment growth may also be a function of economic changes in other sectors.