Casino Technology


Modern casinos use sophisticated technology to make the experience both thrilling and safe. They monitor game play and cash transactions with video cameras and computerized systems, and use chip tracking, which involves betting chips with built-in microcircuitry. Casinos also regularly monitor roulette wheels to ensure statistical deviations are minimal. Many casinos have introduced enclosed versions of their games, allowing players to place bets by pushing buttons rather than dealing with a dealer. For example, the casino’s “Bingo” machine allows players to bet only when they want to.

The National Profile Study was conducted by Roper Reports GfK NOP, and included face-to-face interviews with 2,000 adult Americans. Another survey by the U.S. Gaming Panel included a questionnaire mailed to more than one hundred thousand adults, and 57205 responded. The National Survey of Problem Gambling and Health found that 24% of Americans visited a casino within the last year, and that the average age of a person gambling in a casino is 46 years old, from a household with above-average income, and at least a bachelor’s degree. Nearly half of American adults had not attended college.

Many casinos offer various perks and incentives to attract high rollers. Those with high stakes are typically located in special rooms separate from the casino floor. The casino receives a significant amount of money from high rollers, and they enjoy lavish personal attention and free food and drink. Many casinos have developed formulas that calculate their patrons’ expected lifetime value, which are used to determine how much they are worth to the casino. These players are known as “whales,” and the casinos strive to increase their numbers.