Basically, Poker is a card game in which players try to make the best hand from five cards. The best hand is a straight flush (five cards of the same suit). The highest hand wins the pot.
To start, the dealer deals cards to each player. The cards are dealt face up. The first player is responsible for making the first bet. The dealer then cuts the deck and offers the shuffled deck to the next player.
If there is a tie, the high card breaks it. If there are two identical hands, the tie is broken by the second pair. If there are three or more identical hands, the tie is broken by the high card.
Poker is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. The cards are ranked from Ace to Ace. Some variants use Wild Cards, which are cards that take any suit. These cards can be used to break ties and win the pot.
Poker is played by a group of players around an oval or circular table. The player who makes the first bet is said to be the “active player.” The player who makes the last bet is called the “disabled player.”
If there is a tie, the player with the highest hand wins the pot. If there are two identical hands, the pair with the highest card wins. If there are three or more identical hands, all the ties are broken by the high card.