There are many different types of hands in Poker. The best hands are the highest-ranking, and the lowest-ranking hands are called ties. A full house is a combination of four cards of the same rank. Two fours of the same rank also win. When there are two pairs of fours, the higher-ranking four wins. When two fours of the same rank tie, the high card outside the four of a kind wins and the tie is broken. A straight, on the other hand, is a five-card sequence that consists of three cards of the same rank.
When there is only one player remaining in the game, each player may check his or her cards, or raise his or her ante to the minimum raise. Players take turns opening and checking their hands in clockwise order, until everyone has checked and raised. After each turn, the player may hold one or two cards and discard one to three of them. If there are fewer than three cards remaining, replacement cards are dealt. After each player has checked his or her hand, he or she may then bet the ante.
Each hand has a particular value. The value of the hand depends on how many cards it consists of. A high card is valued higher than a low one, and a second-high card breaks ties. A pair, for example, is two cards that match. In a tie, the player with the highest pair wins. A straight, on the other hand, is a five-card combination. When two players have straights, the player with the higher card wins.