Before beginning a hand of poker, players must contribute to the pot. These contributions are called antes. The first player to bet is known as a better and his subsequent actions are known as raises and calls. Another option is to check, which is a passive action that a player makes when no other player has acted. The betting interval ends when the last raise is made and all players have checked. A player who does not raise is a non-active player.
After the draw phase, players reveal their cards and the highest hand wins the pot. After a round of betting is complete, players reveal their hands clockwise around the table. The player who starts the process depends on the type of poker being played. Once all players have shown their cards, the final betting phase begins. Only players who did not fold have a chance to win the pot. During the betting phase, players reveal their cards in turn. If their cards are not higher than the other player’s, the pot is divided evenly.
In poker, players usually use poker chips. These chips are made up of several different colors. Prior to the game, a dealer assigns the values of these chips. When players exchange their cash for the valued chips, the dealer shuffles the cards and deals them to each player. The dealer’s position does not last more than one round. The dealer’s position in a poker game determines certain betting rules, including the limits on how much a player can bet.